• My Blog,  New

    Taking Time Off

    I will be offline until Tuesday morning for a much needed visit with the family. It’s going to be a busy weekend celebrating birthday’s and enjoying some down town. Although I am not sure how relaxing it will be. It’s a full schedule until I return home again. But, it will, without a doubt, be an amazing time. Next week I’ll be on cam Tuesday and Thursday ONLY, so catch me while you can. *wink* However, all of my sites will continue to update, as always, on schedule and ready for your viewing pleasure. My site (lonestarangel.com) updates every Friday. My Onlyfans and Loyalfans have daily teasers and ManyVids releases…

  • My Blog,  New

    Stephen, It’s a Great Day!

    Today is a good day for a birthday! The second day of the 10th month. You chose a great day for the anniversary of your birthday. I’d say job well done! I hope that you know just how celebrated you are, Stephen. I am thankful that you joined my site many moons ago and have become a friend. You are cherished! I hope that no matter what you choose to do today, that you do it for you, and that you smile. Have cake and don’t share, unless you want to, then I guess that’s allowed. It is your day, afterall. Ha! Happy birthday, Friend!

  • My Blog,  New

    International Day of Cawfee: A Celebration of the Brew that Fuels Our Desires

    Ah, cawfee, the sweet nectar that gets us going in the morning and keeps us buzzing throughout the day. As an adult content creator, I know that a good cup of cawfee is essential to fueling our creative juices and getting us in the mood for a sultry shoot. And that’s why I’m thrilled to celebrate the International Day of Cawfee on October 1st! A Brief History of Cawfee Legend has it that cawfee was first discovered by an Ethiopian goatherd named Kaldi, who noticed that his goats became more energetic after munching on certain red coffee cherries. From there, cawfee spread like wildfire throughout the Arabian Peninsula, eventually making…

  • My Blog,  New

    Working Out. So. Much. Fun.

    Exercise: Get Those Endorphins Going! Beginning your day with some form of exercise can be a game-changer. It doesn’t have to be an hour-long workout, but even a short 10-15 minute session can make a significant difference. I am going to be honest, I have never enjoyed working out. I HATE IT. I understand that some of you love it and the endorphins are your drug, or whatever. I don’t fucking get it, but that’s fine. It’s not for me to understand. I am currently doing a 15 minute workout, 5 days a week. Some people have laughed at me. YES. Laughed at me! But, 15 minutes is better than…

  • My Blog,  New

    Red, Today is Also Your Day

    … all day long! Years ago you asked me not to make a big deal out of it, but then you mentioned it in a LIVE show with the group. Making it a big deal and voiding out all previous requests of keeping quiet. Ha! So, here we are, another trip around the sun and another reason to celebrate YOU! I am very thankful for that, by the way. I hope you make it to your south hang out, and enjoy the traditional Brazilian Steakhouse. You, have also been with me for many, many years and I appreciate you! Happiest of days to you!

  • My Blog,  New

    WLTNBN: A Reason to Celebrate!

    Although both our lives have changed courses and new beginnings took us in opposite directions, I still consider you to be mine. I often wish I had the foresight to create a spreadsheet in the beginning to track those of you that joined my site in the early days. However, I did not imagine I’d still be a part of this online world, but I do know you joined early on. I am fortunate to know you, and you were a big part of the community once upon a time, which means you are still celebrated and I will always remember your day. Today is your day, all day long.…

  • My Blog,  New

    The Month of Pumpkins and Spooky Ghouls

    October is finally here (in 3 days), and you know what that means… Halloween is just around the corner! For me, it’s all about the candy, and one sweet treat stands out from the rest: candy corn! There’s something about those tri-colored kernels that brings back fond memories of my childhood. Dad had a sneaky habit of stealing all the candy corn from my Halloween stash. In all honesty though, he didn’t sneak about it. He used the guise of “I need to check the candy to make sure it’s safe and hasn’t been poisoned.” We lived in a small ranching community and there was not one door we knocked…

  • My Blog,  New

    A Perfect Day for Me

     A Day in the Mountains: Sunrise, Hiking Boots, and Spontaneity As the first light of dawn creeps over the mountain peaks, the aroma of freshly brewing cawfee fills my cozy kitchen. It’s the scent of a new day, one that’s brimming with possibility and the promise of adventure. With a steaming mug in hand, I watch the sunrise paint the sky with vibrant strokes of pink and gold – a daily masterpiece that never ceases to amaze me. The morning continues as I lace up my hiking boots, each knot a commitment to the wild paths that await. Today’s agenda? No agenda at all. The mountains call, and I answer…

  • My Blog,  New

    Fall Weather and Cozy Sweaters

    Fall is finally here, and I couldn’t be more excited! There’s something about the crisp air, the vibrant leaves, and the cozy atmosphere that just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. As the temperatures drop, I find myself craving all things comfort. A warm cup of coffee on a chilly morning and a snuggle session with my favorite blanket are just a couple of my favorite things about this time of year. And let’s not forget about the fashion! I mean, who doesn’t love breaking out the boots, scarves, and sweaters? It’s like the world is giving us permission to be cozy and stylish all at once. But…

  • My Blog,  New

    Mondays: The Underdog

    Why Mondays Are Actually the Best: A Case for the Most Maligned Day of the Week Ah, Monday—the day that has been the butt of jokes since the dawn of the five-day workweek. But what if I told you that all this time, we’ve been sleeping on the potential greatness that is Monday? That’s right, folks; it’s time to flip the script and give this day its long-overdue moment in the sun. Here’s why Mondays are not just underrated, but downright amazing: The Fresh Start Effect Every week, Monday greets you with a clean slate. It’s like a mini New Year’s Day, minus the pressure of a gym membership you’ll…