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Drunk Blogging! Y’all LOL

Hey Y’all! lol hhahaha okay, so notice taht even thoug I’m drjnk I put the posterfee thingiy in right spot and I sued it in right form of context. Just notice. Dn’t respnd. lol.

Want to herar babout how awesome y day was: n question mar that I can not fotn in thedrak.

yes you do

okay, so here’ smy day

we got to the houe an hour earlie but the key waws in the mat,, so we figued it was our right to use it. lol. sow e did. then my flippies that i’ve had for four years broke. that sucked, since that’ sthe only pai rof shoes i brought.. so we wwent shopping. ack! but it wwas fun wingow shopping and i found an awesome elephant shirt! soroe cores i mean. fukc, I can’t find the right keeys. score! So,  I nouyhy iy.. and a pai iof new flippies that area maazing! i lovve elephants so much i want to hug one. bu tinstead i hug tony the cat and he puts up with me, and h rolles his eyeballs.. and it maks me lieve hum even more!


oh, so anyway i goto sidegtracked there…. we went to 3 bars all fo beer and non had food. what the fuck it is that all aobut. stupid conspirey fucks. who does tht to drunks> : ? hahah i found the godamn question mark! i owne this keyborrad. lol. okay, so the fix play we went.. no the seocong. place… the first place had a cheese frarmers platter wwith ber… the secpnd place haed only newbies. i’m paticent and understnding..  but by th e5th person weho wuldng take our order beause we wer ibn te bar and not the restaurany annougyed us. so we go to thtr restaruant to order a hamburger just to be told that yhr menue we were given was noy nrrnh drtbrf. drttbrf. served so we left drunk and laughing… and jaywalked ot another bar and foudn acalzone and had 4 more beerws.. then stunmlee home..

and ate our calcones whiel drinking moe beer that wee nouhhy at the conveinie syore..

ficl/O dpny advise anyonr yo read yhis. i am noy only drunk, buy i don’y habve my lase-0- glAAWA ON GLASSES ON AND CANNOT SEE FOR SHIT… SO I HOPE YOU STOPPED R3QREADING THIS… AND IF YOU DIDN’T I SORRY!


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