My Blog

Drunk Talking to Siri

A couple months ago I went out of town with a group of girlfriends. We ate, slept and drank, for almost three days. It was great fun! I’d say we drank in moderation. We added bailey’s cream to the coffee, then window shopped before finding a hamburger and having a beer. From there we moseyed back to the rent house where we had more drinks and enjoyed crackers, wild game summer sausage and cheese. Okay, we basically drank the entire weekend. I cannot lie, it was amazingly awesome and I hope to do it again!
This video was taken by Dawn Marie. I don’t have a personal Siri to talk to on a normal day and she does not understand me at all, much less when I have been drinking all day. I think she was confused by the giggles in the background, but you can be the judge of that. I just wanted to know if she knew about the camels living in the wild in west Texas. Apparently, I am the only person in the know, on this subject. lol.

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