• hmfast

    As a kid dinner. I loved all seafood as a kid especially crab (though fresh crab made me sick to my stomach…I didn’t care). As an adult I live in Nebraska, so I don’t get good seafood, but I’ll choose seafood every chance I get.

  • mtnman75

    Dinner. As a child, hands down it was Meatloaf. Meatloaf with a baked potato and Green Beans. It still is an amazing meal, but as an adult I will choose a Bone in Ribeye with Homemade Old Fashioned Potato Salad and Corn on the Cob. Meatloaf is my second favorite now.

  • cowboybubba

    As a child we always sat down for dinner. My favorite dish is a tie between mom’s meatloaf and her casserole. Both were hearty and delicious. I have tried to reproduce her recipes but can’t quite get them right. Angel has tried my meatloaf recipe and added her own twist to it. I’ve made her casserole a few times. But, Dave doesn’t like cream of mushroom soup. So, I only make it for me and freeze it for later meals.

    • lonestarangel

      Meatloaf is a favorite for a lot of people. I do not know why restaurants are unable to put a satisfying loaf on their menu!

      I did try your meatloaf but was out of ketchup so added BBQ sauce – so NOT the same!

      You could substitute something other than cream of mushroom soup and Dave might like it.

  • Doug

    Sunday night family dinners were always NY Strip steak, Potatoes and Broccoli regardless of the weather in NJ. Snow, sleet, rain, regardless it was the same dinner which I always looked forward to as a kid and teenager. It was a time to bond and reflect the previous week, good or bad. I miss those dinners, however I still eat my steak, potatoes and broccoli every Sunday night, regardless!

    • lonestarangel

      What a beautiful memory! We always sat at the dinner table and ate – breakfast, lunch and dinner. There were no TV trays for eating in front of the tube, nor was the TV on..

  • dwwindsor

    Breakfast. Usually Saturday morning but sometimes delayed to Sunday morning. Never ending supply of coffee, eggs (fried or scrambled), bacon (the only reason for humans to exist) and my Dad’s biscuits. Oh my, those biscuits. Hot, tasty in a way no biscuit since has tasted. Butter, blackberry jam, three newspapers to peruse, it was always the perfect start to the weekend.

    There would always be biscuits left over, in a wicker basket, on the kitchen table. They never survived the day of making. Just grabbing one and gnawing through it till there were only a few fugitive crumbs left, cowering in out of the way places, is a memory that even into my dotage shall never leave me. I guess our favorite meal is as much about the memories it invokes as the food we love.

    • lonestarangel

      DW – you could be a storyteller!! Your memory made me smile, but more than that, I could imagine being in the room with you and your family, kind of like the “ghost of Christmas Future, minus the Christmas” lol. That is a creepy thought, but what I am saying is that I can see you sitting at the table as a boy, reading three newspapers all at the same time and enjoying your dad’s biscuits and 2 pots of coffee and all of the bacon that was fried up.

  • lonestarangel

    Mine was most definitely dinner. Mom cooked dinner every single day, and would make breakfast and dinner on the weekends.

    In the summertime Dad would slow smoke a brisket on Sunday’s and it was amazing, but my favorite was meatloaf. As simple as it is, it was so savory and satisfying and add mashed potatoes and sweet corn and it was superb! I have tried to recreate this numerous times, but she never had to write recipes down. She was just an amazing in everything she did, but especially feeding her family. At any rate, I did not learn that quality.

    Now, as an adult, I want a big, juicy bone-in ribeye with potato salad and cream corn, or mashed potatoes and sweet corn. Who am I kidding? The sides do not matter when there is a ribeye on my plate. However, any time I am able to have meatloaf is a good day in my world.

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