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World Elephant Day

World Elephant Day has been in operation since 2012 and with each passing year, it becomes more widely known and acknowledged. It is amazing how many sanctuaries and organizations have been working to save the pachyderm species for decades and with the help of social media people are starting to appreciate these gentle beasts. 


  • If a baby elephant complains, the entire family will rumble and go over and touch and caress it. 
  • Elephants express grief and compassion. 

  • Elephants play a crucial ecological role in their habitats, such as digging pools of water that other animals depend on.
  • Elephants can live to be over 70 years old.
  • Elephants have a highly developed brain and the largest of all the land mammals. The brain is 3 or 4 times larger than that of humans although smaller as a proportion of body weight. 
  • Elephants purr like cats do, as a means of communication.
  • Elephants prefer one tusk over the other, just as people are either left or right-handed. 
  • Elephants cry, play, have incredible memories, and laugh. 
  • Elephants are social creatures. They sometimes “hug” by wrapping their trunks together in displays of greeting and affection.
  • Elephants pay homage to the bones of their dead, gently touching the skulls and tusks with their trunks and feet. when an elephant walks past a place that a loved one has died, he/she will stop dead still; a silent and empty pause that can last several minutes.



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