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Herbert C.T. Hogg

Meet Herbert C.T. Hogg. Herbie Hogg. Herb the Hogg.

Allow me to tell you the story about Abby’s buddy, Herbert C.T. Hogg. He arrived over a month ago, thanks to a very thoughtful fella (BD), and Abby was not having it. To say she freaked out is an understatement. She ran, hid, growled, jumped a foot high. It was quiet the show and it made us laugh, but was also a bit disheartening that Herbie had that effect on her at first sight. He took up residence on a shelf in the dining room/kitchen area, and when she was not watching we would make him “bark” (or, whatever it is that he does when we squeak him) and she would run, hiding, or looking for me so that she could hide behind me. This continued almost daily until she stopped having any reaction at all, other than looking at us like we were idiots. She does that a lot, and it is mildly amusing. The other morning MtnMan made him bark and then threw Duckie into the living room, when she returned Herbie the Hogg was sitting on the floor, waiting for her. She dropped Duckie, sniffed Herbie and then quickly bit him and took off running, making him bark over and over, again… and again, and again. Now they are buddies, but Duckie will always be her number one. This is one toy that I have to take away from her while I am on cam because she marches through the house from our cam room, to the bedroom and back to the cam room with Herbert C.T. Hogg happily barking along the way. That proves that it is not always at first sight, but sometimes persistence pays off and a friendship ensues.

Who can tell me what his middle initials stand for?

P.S. I would like to send out thanks to BD; you are thoughtful and it is very much appreciated! And, thanks goes out to Dwwindsor for helping us name Abby’s new buddy.

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