My Blog

Abigail Has a Sleepover

We stayed up watching “Hell on Wheels” last night, keeping Abby up well past her bedtime. This morning she was still asleep when I opened her curtain, and that is unusual because she is usually grumbling to let us know she is awake a little while before I say my good mornings to her. Once she went out for her morning patrol, she was fed and we were putting our shoes on to go feed her cousin and go to breakfast. Abby stayed home. She was heartbroken, but as soon as she saw the truck pull in she forgot her misery and was a happy girl, wagging her tail and smiling. But, much to her chagrin, that happiness was short lived when the overnight bag was pulled out. She sat on my feet, pushing against me in disgust. Utter disgust! For the next hour as I showered, threw a change of clothes in the bag and did a few other things, she was under foot. And then came the loading of the car, and as she watched me go in and out of the door, she sat with big pouty eyes and a long face. She looked over at MtnMan, who showed no sympathy, and then she just laid down in the doorway sad. It was pitiful! However, as soon as she saw her lunchbox and overnight bag with her toys and whatnot, she was full on celebrating. Running circles, smiling, happy as can be. She patiently waited at her car door until I had the sheet put down and her bag loaded, and then upon my command, she jumped in and sat tall, like a good girl. This was her as we drove to her cousins. She makes my heart smile.

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