My Blog

A Month of Abby

I try my best to tweet a #dailypic of #abbythegolden, but sometimes I slip and forget to share her cute face. Although, I am so obsessed with her that somedays I share 10 pictures, not just one. lol.

Not everyone is on Twitter, so I thought I would create a thread for those of you that still read my blog.

A few weeks ago MtnMan took us on a drive to an area we have not seen before. It was a beautiful lake area in a valley surrounded by mountains.

We were not sure how Abby would react to a large body of water since she has only played in creeks and trickling brooks.

Her first jump took a lot of encouragement and celebrations, but she finally took that leap, which was more like an accidental fall. She went completely under, coming up for gasped air, with eyes wide open, but she soon figured it out and then we could not keep her out of the water. She would run the dock, jump, swim back to shore and do it all over again. To say she is a water baby, would be an understatement.

For the fourth of July, she was sporting red, white and blue. Despite what MtnMan says, she loves changing up her collar with pretty bows and flowers. I was trying to get a better pick of her three flowers, but as you can see, she was not amused. For those of you that asked, she was not too phased by the loud fireworks. She did, at one point, look up, reposition herself and went back to sleep.

Abigail is a smart kid. She is also a very happy, go lucky girl who entertains herself, while always staying close by. Last week we had to go out of town for a few days. That morning I laid out clothes and our toiletries, without getting the suitcase because once that comes out, she is glued to me. And, by that I mean, she sits on my feet and if I start to walk, we both trip. It is both comical and frustrating. Even with my “ploy” to trick the girl, she was still on to me. She was low key watching every move I made, and she had a sad look about her. When I finally got the suitcase, I tripped when I turned around; she was right there! Goodness, she knew.

I had the bright idea of getting her overnight bag out of the closet, so she would see that she was not being left behind. I mean, she was, but she’d be going for her own sleepover with her favorite cousin. Yeah. That was a bad idea. She went into full on celebration mode. She ran through the house, around the living room, jumped over her bag and ran circles around me until she fell to my feet and continued celebrating. It was a crazy sight to see. lol. While I packed, she was not sitting on my feet like she does when she is full of glooms and doom, but she was running around me, making it fucking chaos. Next time, I think I should give her a rawhide bone and send her outside!

I dropped her off at her cousins house, and they were so happy to see each other. It really is sweet how much they love one another. Her cousin is 4, but a wire hair bird dog which means she never stops wagging her entire body with joy and excitement. They wear each other out and usually crash hard in the evenings and sleep for a full day after the sleepover.

An hour after I dropped her off, I get a text that read: “she really cannot help herself. LOL!”

They had a sprinkler going that their dog stays clear of, so they did not think much of it, until Abby appeared at the door looking in, soaking wet. They said she was like a kid running through the sprinklers, just having the time of her life! Her cousin watched from dry land. That made me laugh so hard, just thinking about it. We don’t have grass, but now I wonder if we should at least have a sprinkler. lol.

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