My Blog

Our Reality.

For the most part, I try to stay away from news of the outside world and disasters that plague the world on a daily basis. And, to an extent I have been able maintain that mindset. To me, filling your immediate surroundings worried about something that is out of your control is counterproductive. However, with our current situation I feel that we are in this together, and it is up to all of us to check on each of us.

What are you doing to keep some level of sanity during this time of quarantine?

Are you a dissectologist? A cruciverbalist? Are you reading (a bibliophile) the stack of books that have been collecting dust for the last year? Are you staying connected to your closest family and friends, even if waving to each other from the end of the sidewalks? My girlfriend in Austin found some extra eggs and her son stopped by to pick some up from her. She left them at the edge of her garage and waved to him from the laundry room door. As sad as that sounds, she said that it was just nice to be able to see his face and to hear his voice. As we all try to maintain some sort of normalcy and fight despair, I think it is important to acknowledge the positives in all of this.

I am meeting my niece for our 2nd Friday night happy hour on FaceTime. I have been looking forward to it all day – this is our reality right now. Embrace it and adapt. We are in this together, friends.

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