My Blog

Tell Me About Your Weekend

I’d love to hear about your weekend, good or bad, I want to hear it all.

My weekend was busy, but that’s not unusual. Saturday I spent the day working on, my LoyalFans page and the clip stores. It’s a hustle that keeps me busy, but I enjoy it. After I spent the majority of the day working my hustle, I spent several hours on cam. It was a great Saturday, with no complaints. Thank you to everyone that joined me online, whether through the link on my site (FREE to members) or those that joined my cam page. I appreciate you all.

Yesterday we spent our day on a ranch where MtnMan is helping a rancher with a problem he’s having with the local creek colony. lol. While tending to that matter, we had Abby by our side, swimming and running her heart out through old hay fields that returned to the elements over the years. I wish I would have gotten a picture of her muddy face, but I left my phone in the truck and truly disconnected for the day. It was a great day, and the weather was beautiful!

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