My Blog

VNA and My Whacked Out Schedule

This next week is going to be a sporadic one for me online. It is not often that I have interruptions, but when I do, it seems as though it is all in the same week. But, it is what it is, and it truly cannot be avoided.

I won’t be online Monday, which means I need to reschedule our VNA date and with Tuesday being Election Day, I’ve decided to push it to next week. Please block out Monday (9th) and Tuesday (10th) at 11p EST and we will certainly make up for lost time.

As for the rest of the week, I will be on cam Tuesday and Thursday (all day/evening) and on Friday (late morning/early afternoon). This will be the only chance to catch me this week, but next week looks to be mine to have and no one’s to take. lol.

Friday we are making a trip to Twin Falls after MtnMan gets off of work. I’ve a few packages to pick up, which I’m always appreciative of.

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