My Blog

Hello February!

All in all, January was a fairly decent experience. Nothing major happened, to speak of, and now here we are welcoming a new day, a new week and a new month. Hello February!

I do have one minor incident to share with you all. A week ago Sunday, Abby decided to run away. Okay, back up, run away is such a harsh term because she has a good life and I don’t think she was planning on leaving permanently. Here is what happened. She decided to go on a walk about, without letting us know. MtnMan was in the garage putzing around and I was cleaning out the truck; Abby is always by my side and we trained her to never go more than 20 feet when she’s exploring. I look up and I don’t see a golden streak running around, so I call her name, silence. I call for her again, and I don’t hear her herd of elephants coming towards me. MtnMan yells “ABIGAIL”, and I am shaking my head because the girl is going to be in so much trouble because if she didn’t hear him calling her, that meant she was no longer in our vicinity. He hands me the keys and tells me to go find my girl. *facepalm* I drive 4 houses down and she happily comes running when she sees the truck. I get out, open the door and she hangs her head and jumps in, all of her excitement gone. I asked her “What the fuck were you thinking? Dad’s going to be mad at you for 2 months!”. She sits in the back, head hanging and grumbled. We get home, MtnMan tells her to get her ass in the house and out into the fenced in yard and she slowly walked over to the fence, sat down and watched me finish cleaning the truck. She looked somber and sad. It was heartbreaking. She was in trouble and that is rare. Now that she’s had a taste of freedom in the wild, I wonder if she’ll skedaddle next time the gate is left open. Up to this point, she does not leave the yard and the gate has been accidentally left open a few times, without us knowing.. so, what will she do?

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