My Blog

Over the Years

I’ve mentioned a couple times that this month marks 15 years for me online; not just my website, but camming, as well.

It is crazy to think that what started out as extra money on the side turned into my main gig. It’s something I would not have imagined in the beginning and I will never take it for granted. I am lucky to have found my place in this online world that we all share.

For this post, I’d like to recognize those long time members (and cam viewers) that have been with me since the beginning. Each one of you have shared a part of you with me, and we’ve stayed connected throughout our lives and for that, I am grateful for. It is truly amazing the relationships that have been built on the world wide webs and with all of your choices, for you to have found me and stuck around means more to me than you might know.

I have met many of you, from the NYC bar meets, to the Arizona gatherings, to the annual birthday bashes that I hosted in my home. And, of course, let’s not forget the few conventions I’ve attended. You took the time to show up, and I realize how easy it would have been to blow off, but instead you joined me over dinners, for a beer (or 10) and stopped by whatever booth I was sitting at during conventions. Thank you.

There are also several that I have not had the chance to meet, but that is because distance is our enemy. That does not, in any way, take away from my gratitude towards you. You have continued to support me online and you share your weekend plans, your week’s struggles and your life celebrations. Thank you.

There are too many to list here, but whether you’ve been with me from the very first site I showed my face on, or you found me a couple years later when I was confident in what I was doing and not so awkwardly weird, I appreciate your loyalty. Thank you.

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