My Blog

A Rant that Has been Brewing

Holy fuck. This week can suck it! What the fuck is wrong with some people? Seriously, some people do not deserve the pleasure of socializing on the internet.

“wow! I’m going broke jerking off to you!”

(he took me private once, for 3 minutes, and I see him daily. )

“for a 44 year old you are sexy”

(why do some find this to be a compliment. Sexy is sexy, no matter the age, don’t be a dick)

“what I want is a bj, but you are not near.”

(you’re on a fucking cam site you dickdweeb!)

“hey, miss me?”

(um, I see you daily and you went private in 2018 for 1 minute, so… BAN. I’m too nice, that is what this week has reminded me.)

“you look bored.”

(I’ve been asking you for the last 5 minutes how you are doing, I cannot imagine why I might look bored since you are beaming with so much personality it makes me happy to see you return to my room for the 20th time today.)

“would you ever ‘do-it’ with a family member”

(why is this even normalized. Anyone that promotes this is to blame, in my unsolicited opinion, whether it is on your actual site, or your “network”. Stop normalizing incest for fuck’s sake!)

“what are you going to do for me?”

(um, you are in my cam room within minutes of me turning my cam on, and you are NEVER going to go private, so what I’m about to do is free and I should have done this 3 months ago. BAN)

I could go on, but you really don’t need to be forced to endure the week I have had. I realize this is part of it, and it is what it is, but when this is the majority of my week, by Friday I am fucking over it. Do not take kindness for stupidity. If you come in, at least respond to my greetings and willingness to have a fucking conversation, without the pressure of going private. That is, unless you say- I’m wacking it while I look at you, humma humma. Again, don’t be a fucking dick.

And, while I’m on a rant, and believe me, this is only the beginning because I really want to continue the vent session when I turn my cam on, but that’s bad for business and that’s not what my room has ever been about… although, it might be because I honestly don’t know if I can turn it off now. LOL! Anyway, my next rant is about blinkers in vehicles. Is a blinker an add-on when buying now because some people don’t own a fucking blinker it would seem. How fucking lazy do you have to be that you cannot use your finger to push down on the blinker arm? Seriously, how fucking lazy? On my way to the store (with Abby happy in the back seat) some jackass in a big, new, sparkly truck that has never been off road or hauled hay, was in the right lane and seriously waited until his lane was turning right, mine was going straight, to jump in front of me without a blinker. He was slowing way down, as though he was making the turn, but nope, when I was on his left, he decides it’s a good time to slowly cut me off and then, he comes to a complete stop when our lane had the right of way. Who gave this jackass a license? WHO? And so we are completely stopped, waiting for everyone with the yield to go ahead, then once moving and the lanes turn into 2 again, he doesn’t get over to the right as he goes 35 mph in a 55, nope. He waits until I decide to switch lanes and again, without a blinker. Since you are probably wondering, no, I did not honk or give him the finger, not even once. In Texas, I would have. lol. But, as I passed him I had to get a good look at what stupid fuck looks like today. He seemed aloof and everything clueless, so makes since he’d be driving a large extended cab truck so he can just run over everyone else on the roads.

Don’t come into my cam room today if you have douchebag tendencies, I truly cannot deal with that. Ha!

Okay, thanks for this therapy session, I am turning my cam back on. Wish me luck and send me happy vibes and money signs! lol

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