My Blog

July: My Favorite Month!

Happy seventh month of 2021, friends! This is a month of celebrations and happiness, from the very first day to the last one and several in between!

We start the month off celebrating MtnMan (much to his chagrin) and we end July with the anniversary of my divorce. Yes, my past has been buried and mostly forgotten, my grievous mistakes all but a nightmare, but the signing of the paper will always be remembered and celebrated. So, we remember, no matter how happy I am today. We remember that day.

But before that last day of the best month of the year, we have many, many birthdays!

1st: MtnMan75 – thank you to everyone that shouted out a birthday mention on Twitter. As much as he views it as just another day, I want him to know that it is not because it is the anniversary of his birthday, and that is something worth celebrating! Happy birthday, babe.

11th: the House Boss, also known as HB – this is a very important day, for it was gifted to me just 3 years ago and the message was passed to me by Dwwindsor himself. Yes, that guy. The “chief bloviator-button pusher” eloquently shared with me that the HB has a birthday (unbeknownst to me at that time) and she is now willingly sharing it with me. You know what that means, right? I have been given another birthday to delightfully celebrate and this is a big one! So, on July 11th, we celebrate someone of the utmost importance, Dwwindsor’s house boss. The Queen of Windsor Castle. The one that braves the sharks of Killbuck Creek. Yes, that one.

19th: Rodney (@hotrodf53) – This is another great day for a birthday! He has been a member for many years, although he hasn’t socialized with the group in quite some time, you might remember him as hotrod in chat or @hotrodf53 on Twitter. He’s a great guy and is always happy to support and send words of encouragement and a gracious greeting of sorts. On the 19th, we celebrate!

21st: Abby, Abby the Golden, Abigail – Yes, it’s true. This was the day that our girl was born, and a good day it was! I stalked, or rather, followed the breeders social media pages daily, waiting for a glimpse of the litter, and ready for an update, of which I felt should be given daily. However, the news was sparse and the days counting down to the pick up was harrowing, to say the least. When we drove 8 hours to make our pick, she chose us. Her litter mate came busting over, jumping in my lap and licking my face, but Abby, she waited her turn and slowly, in a very sweet and shy manner, weaseled her way into my lap and said, “hi, you are here for me, let’s go.” So we did. We went home and now we are celebrating her 3rd anniversary.

24th: HmFast, the late Monday Voter that gives Red heart problems – Yes, we celebrate again on the 24th, and HM, I hope that you plan on taking the day off work. You need to celebrate by treating yourself to sushi and having a no-person-contact day. This is a great day for no contact. You should take the day and celebrate you, and in order to do that, you need the day off. No answering the phone because you’re not home, even though you probably will be. It’s your right to not answer the phone, and on your birthday no answering the phone! lol. We celebrate another trip around the sun.

29th: KEVIN! KeviN! KEvIN! KeViN! Did you hear that in my best minion voice? Kevin! Kevin! Today is a good day for a birthday! I love this day for a birthday and I am so glad that it is yours because it is a damn good day for a celebration! I know, I know, you’re like all of them. Them being, “it’s just another day” *eye roll* Well, pshaw, to you and to all of those people. PShaw! Today we celebrate, so consider this your invitation, Kevin, to celebrate your day, in which I will gladly be doing. Yes, today we celebrate.

31st: The Finale of the 20 Year Mistake – Nothing much to say here, except I will never forget this day because it was truly an unforgettable moment in my life. It was a life saving event and the feeling I experienced will always stay with me. It is a feeling that will never be matched, nor compared to. It was freedom; it is a day to remember and to truly know survival. So, we celebrate. We, as in me, and I am good with that. Today I celebrate.

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