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Butterfinger, What?

A few weeks ago I had half of a butterfinger; the next day MtnMan had the other half. We both decided that something has changed because it’s not the same good butterfinger flavor it once was. According to Gregg with 2 g’s, they changed the recipe, which explains why it is no longer a good candybar.

(notice the change in packaging, it’s boring, this should have been my first clue)

My first assumption was that they went “healthier” because it is not as good as it once was. Okay, I admit, the assumption was more in liking to judgement and I was judging the candy maker hard. I mean, it’s a fucking candybar for fucks sake, that in itself, is unhealthy. Seriously, what candybar is touted as being healthy? There are none, unless they claim to be a protein bar and it turns out those aren’t as healthy as the gym nuts want you to think they are. Have you had one? It sits like a brick in your gut. That cannot be good for you, but I have digressed from the original reason for this post. Let’s get back on point. After a little research, I can say with 100% certainty that the recipe was not changed to make it healthier.

While doing research, I feasted on a butterfinger, with the same conclusion as I’ve had over the last 3 consumed candy bars: they are no longer the crunchy toffee like bar that would stick to your teeth kind of goodness.

My research has found that the original Butterfinger debuted in 1923 and since then has been rehomed a few times, with the latest being in 2018 by another American based candy company. It’s a name I’ve never heard of and because I strongly disagree with their abuse of power, I do not feel they are worth mentioning by name. They feel it was time to “refine” the candy bar. *eye roll*

“We started with the key ingredients — peanuts, cocoa, and milk — behind this bar that people are obsessed with and love, and looked at how we could make it even better,”

Okay, first of all, Karen, the the bar that we love was not in need of change, hence, the bar “people are obsessed with and love”. There is no making perfection better with change. Just stop already.

the goal of a smoother, less gritty mouthfeel and stronger chocolate flavor. It has been taken up a notch.

BUT, and this is HUGE, the gritty mouthfeel is what made butterfinger a butterfinger!!! WHY change it. Just create a new fucking candybar and leave the butterfinger out of it!

Seriously, it is no longer a butterfinger so just take it off the shelves already. This comes from someone who rarely eats a candybar, but when I do, I want it to be like the same bar I enjoyed as a kid and I really do not think that is being unreasonable.

You should also know that this company also bought Baby Ruth’s, so that’s probably no longer good because, well, refinement. *eye roll* I don’t have it in me to try a Baby Ruth at this crossroads we find ourselves in. I just cannot handle that disappointment right now, so if you so desire, you could be the one to try it, on my behalf for research purposes. I wonder if that bar even has peanuts now or maybe they cut out the caramel. :/

If you are like Gregg (with 2 g’s), you will still find enjoyment in having a butterfinger, although admittedly not as good, still worth eating. That is okay to be in his group. I am not in his group. I will not be eating another butterfinger and when halloween comes around, I will keep all of the candy corn for myself and give the butterfingers away. lol.

In closing, allow me to say that somethings do not need changed, nor refined. I mean, what the fuck does that even mean when referring to perfection of a butterfinger. It was good for a reason!

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