My Blog

Changes Are Good

You’ve probably noticed that the site has taken on a completely different look and feel, as well as the blog. On September 1st I became an independent site, and I think it’s time to post the details here, for those of you that have not received an email (current member’s) or my September newsletter.

I have always owned my site, but it has been hosted on a network based platform; after much consideration over the last couple years, I have decided to branch out on my own, separating myself from any network. My site will go on as it always has, with Friday updates and twice weekly member shows. 

Master Card approved the site immediately but we are still waiting on Visa to approve, which means I am able to accept all cards except for Visa at this time. The wait period is generally 21 says, so this was to be expected.

I want to thank every one that has reached out in support, those that have already joined and to those that will continue their membership as is. You guys have been absolutely incredible.

Current Members: Your access for your subscription will not be interrupted.
If you have a current membership, please check the email you signed up with for details regarding the transfer of your subscription. If you have not received an email from me, please email me at so that I can fill you in with further details. 
Past Members:
If you have been a member of in the last 12 months, I would like to offer you 2 FREE weeks when you sign up, so instead of 30 days, you’ll be given access for 45 days for $19.95. Please email me at with your name and I will gladly send you the link to join. This is my way to show you that I appreciate any and all joins. 
VOD Shop:
I am also extremely excited to now offer you individual downloads on my site. This is something I have envisioned for 8+ years that will allow you to buy clips, instead of being required to purchase another month long subscription. A new release will be EXCLUSIVE to members for 14 days, before being available in the VOD Shop. If you are a member, please do not purchase out of the VOD shop because you have access to 15+ years of content. I am still making a few minor adjustments, such as, the error page on new releases, but for the most part it is 100% up and running ready to take orders.

Archived Content

I have almost 16 years worth of content, but most of that has been buried within the site; I plan to reintegrate archived videos and picture sets with Monday releases.

 This will bring the archives back to the forefront, and to show you just how far has come over the years. After two weeks, it will be placed back within the fold, with the original date.

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