My Blog

I Saw a Moose!

On our way to Great Falls, we stopped in a small town for a bathroom and refreshments. It was a bar, that was also the convenience store. They had beer on tap, a soda pop cooler and small bags of chips, and an old man that wondered where we were heading. I, of course, was more than happy to have a conversation with the old stranger. I told him we were going to spend a few days in the Great Falls area and he said we should make the drive up to Glacier National Park and drive the “Going to the Sun Road” and also added that we’d see plenty of wild animals this time of year. 

I filled MtnMan in on this as we pulled out of the parking lot and told him I want to see a moose, a bear and a buffalo all in the wild. Plus, anything else that might happen to aimlessly cross over our paths. 

Friday we got up early and made the 3 hour drive; as we crossed over into the park, a young moose, with big paddles on his head, darted across the road and up the hill! I just knew it was going to be a day filled with amazing sightings of wild animals and damn was I overly excited to have already seen a moose! That was the only wild animal that showed his face for the entire day. That was it! 

Well, that is not entirely true. We had stopped at an overlook and was trying to take a selfie when a nice lady asked if we’d like for her to take the picture. As we were taking the picture she exclaimed, “oh look deers! Do you see the deers???” And, as MtnMan was taking a picture of the lake that could be seen further down the valley, she poked her finger at the screen and asked- “do you see the deers?” They were 10 feet from us, so they were hard to miss and, he said once we were back in the truck, “we see deer every day in our front yard, lady.” That was somewhat amusing, because Montanan’s, no doubt, see moose and the occasional bear aimlessly wandering about, whereas, I don’t and that’s really what I wanted to see. 

In conclusion, the old man lied to me. I feel like he should not have said with so much certainty that I would see a lot of wild animals when all I ended up seeing was one moose and a few “deers”. Also, no offense to the old man, I like him just fine. Ha!

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