My Blog

Candy Corn is a Weakness

I always buy a bag of candy corn after October 1st. It’s a rule. Never before the month of October… until this year. I don’t know what I was thinking, other than the fact that if I were to wait, I might not find a bag on, or after, October 1st and in a spontaneous fit, I snatched the bag up and threw it in the cart.

That was fine and dandy, except I opened the bag as soon as we got home and ate handfuls of them while putting groceries away. In the 3 days since, I have ate 3/4 of the bag and I have already put “Candy Corn” on Sunday’s grocery list.

I am sure I have shared this with you all, but allow me to do so once more. Mom always took me and my twin trick or treating while Dad and Granny stayed home to pass out candy. In reality, those two had a big sweet tooth and probably ate their share as they waited for the next set of kids to knock on the door. That has nothing to do with this story, just thought I would throw that in, since I have developed a serious sweet tooth in recent years. Anyway, when we would return home with our loot, Dad (along with Mom and Granny) would “inspect” our candies to make sure they were safe for us to eat. I believed that when I was a kid, but as an adult, I am going to go ahead and say that was a lie! We lived in a very small, ranching community. There was not one door we knocked on that they did not know. They inspected our loot so they could steal their favorite candies. Dad always went for the candy corn and snickers, while Mom liked snickers and Granny preferred baby ruth’s.

I always buy a bag to enjoy this sweet memory, and almost always discard of 3/4 of it by Halloween because I am only interested in a handful… for the entire month. Nope. Not this year. I’m going to finish eating this bag before the month of Halloween and plan to enjoy another bag before the end of trick-or-treat season.

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