My Blog

My Bonus Birthday

Today is another birthday, and one that was “given” to me as a gift. Let me explain.

Looking back in my blog history, it appears that 2014 was the first year that I took today to celebrate Dwwindsor. Now, let me elaborate on that year. He was somewhat new to our group, and because I have a terrible time keeping track of who joined during which year, I’m going to say he was in between Red and MtnMan, which would put him in the group around late 2011 to early 2012, but really, I could be making that up. Anyway, that is taking away from this post, so let me refocus and get back to the point- he saw absolutely no reason to make a big deal out of it and wished it to remain a normal day. So, a normal day he had, the curmudgeon of birthday gloom, while I let everyone know that the 30th was, indeed, a special day. That was in 2014, now fast forward to 2016 and according to my blog history, this was the year he gifted me his day. Yep. GIFTED his birthday to me, to do as I please.

And, what I wish to do is to celebrate today for the day that it is- the anniversary of the day that is known as Dwwindsor day.

Here is wishing you, the curmudgeon of birthday gloom, a very happy birthday, indeed!

And, what I wish to do is to celebrate today for the day that it is- the anniversary of the day that is known as Dwwindsor day.

Here is wishing you, the curmudgeon of birthday gloom, a very happy birthday, indeed!

Also, thank you for gifting me your day, it was one of your best decisions….

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