My Blog

Giving Thanks

The last 4 years have given me a new perspective on simple things, such as watching sunrises and enjoying the setting sun over the mountains. It has also given me a fresh outlook into what is truly important. It’s not wishing for the next day off (which I am still guilty of doing) or the next big life event, it’s enjoying the day for what it has to offer, and ultimately the successes it holds.

I am thankful to have realized in my early to mid thirties that I needed a change and that at 39 I chose to follow through with what I knew would be the best decision of my life. No regrets.

I am also very thankful that I chose to open an online world in 2006, when I was still in my twenties, because it paved the way for amazing opportunities and lasting friendships. Many of you I have met in person, while others I only know from our online interactions, but I am thankful all the same. With the last 2 years, I feel our online connections are what was key to survival for so many, and I am thankful that those that needed it, had it as a life line of sorts.

As the holidays approach, I wish you all inner peace and much happiness. I may be overstepping my bounds, but be kind this season, for not everyone enjoys the holidays and they are doing the best they can just to get through to January. I once was that person, so just be kind. If by chance you are that person, you know the one that hates December for everything it is not, make that change. Choose to skip the family gathering and go for a hike, or spend it with friends that are also alone and would like the company. Go to the movies. Visit the old folks at the retirement home because they’d be happy to sit and visit… just because something is a tradition, or because you feel you are obligated to join a gathering that is going to make you miserable does not mean you cannot choose you over the holiday bullshit. Choose you. That is all I am suggesting. Choose you. You matter. You are important.

This post is not intended to offend or cause eye rolls, but for those that need a caring push, this is for you.


  • Cowboybubba

    I’m so glad I listened to Bob and checked out your site. You have brought me through some really dark times. Have been there for some very great times. And, you have made sure my birthday is celebrated.
    I’m thankful for the love and friendship we have, Angel. Even when I don’t make it to the members shows you know I’m there in spirit.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you, Mountain Man, and Abby. I hope you have a wonderful time!!

    • Angel

      I am so fortunate to have met you, not just online but in person. You were the first in person meeting, which opened the door for all the others. lol. Thank you for listening to Bob (I hope he’s doing well and happy) and I’m thankful you stuck around long enought o become mine! lol.

      You will always be celebrated, thank you for letting me exploit your birthday. Ha! I am happy to have helped you through dark times and to celebrate the happier days. That’s what it’s all about- community, that’s what we have built here.

    • Rodney Franklin

      Angel, You’re Special to us all. I’m glad that I found you online. I’m sorry that we have never met in person, even though I’ve tried several times. You always treat me so Special. Through the years you’ve became a Special Friend to me. I know that when I’m down or going through my health issues, you’re always there to help me through it with your kind words and encouragement. You will always be Special to me and I’ll always be Thankful for having such a Wonderful and Special Friend as I have in You.

      • Angel

        I am sorry that we have never met in person and hope that one day we can make that happen. You are one of those that I will always know and cherish, so thank you!

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