Antiquing and Stuff
I am not a shopper. I hate it. I’m not good at it and I just want to go in, get what is needed and get the fuck out. I have always been like that, even as a kid. I had a girlfriend who was always in Austin on the weekends, shopping. I’d ask, “shopping for what?” and she’d respond with, “stuff”. How much stuff does one need and how much space do you have left in your room? Good grief.
And then there are antique shops. I LOVE going window shopping at antique places. I will always walk out with something, mainly because they just let me peruse their store and I feel it’s a token of appreciation to take something off their hands. I have found bread boxes that I keep photos, cards and family mementos in. Then there are two planters that sit in the dining room windows and a few old carpenter tool boxes that I am going to use for herb gardens this spring. We also have a butter dish on the table that we found at an antique store.
Sunday we are driving to Salt Lake City to spend the evening and all day Monday in the city before flying to Florida on Tuesday. We had planned to get a couples massage because someone gave us a gift card to a spa, but those people have turned out to be flaky and not very business oriented. They return no phone calls, nor do they answer messages on FB. So, we’ve a day to figure out what to do and I have just located and mapped out a day of window shopping Salt Lake City antique stores!
I will let MtnMan know that’s the plan once we get there. When we have downtime in a city, he always asks me where the antique stores are and I usually know the answer to that before he asks.
I have also taken us on many, many snipe hunts. One time we ended up in this old run down part of town with no signs of life and certainly no store that was still in business and if there ever was a shop in that area, they hadn’t seen a live customer in decades. Another time, we ended up at someone’s house. Then there was that time that we drove all over town to find every single antique store out of business. Needless to say, my track record on finding antique stores is not the best, but I’ve just mapped out several and all of them have recently posted on FB. So, unless they woke up today and decided to close for good on Saturday, we’ll be good for going window shopping on Monday! Super exciting stuff, Guys!