My Blog

Well Fuck Me Sideways

Holy fuck, last week was nothing short of frustrating. From last minute appointments in town, to missed calls and some dude walking on my roof while I was in a private session. There is a story with the roof walker.

For the last 2 months our internet has had a serious lag; thankfully it never once affected my cam sessions, but to Tweet, upload videos and thumbnails to my site, blog, whatever, it would take anywhere from 1 to 5 minutes just to load the page. How it didn’t affect my cam, I don’t know, but the internet guys continuously insisted that it was my router. I rebooted it, I cleared it and went through the set up process, switched the first router out to the another one, just to have nothing change. After several calls to their “tech department”, the lady told me they prefer Netgear routers over Tp-Link. I wanted to have a “come-apart” but I didn’t. The next day Abby and I drove into town to purchase a $200 router, just to have it not fix the problem. I called again, but this time I refused to listen to the lady breath, while sitting in silence until she said, yeah, still a router issue. That was her only suggestion. She didn’t even know how to reboot the damn thing. At that point it didn’t matter though because I requested a service call, in which she asked me why? I explained to her the last 2 months and she asked me who I’ve spoken to and, I have to admit, I took great joy when I told her “you. You are the one that has suggested it is the router. You are the one that has not been able to give any sort of tech support and you are the one that has suggested I replace the router and I have done that twice now. I am on the third router. I’m not going to do any of what you are suggesting today because I have done that already, several times. I want a service tech out to see if the radio has moved.” To that she asked, “have you noticed if it has moved?” …. um. “Are you fucking kidding me?” She assured me she was not. At any rate, I became a bitch and she said, “fine, I’ll get with our service guy and call you back to set up a time.” I didn’t get a call back, and the next afternoon, while in a session there was someone walking on my roof. Abby had a complete come-apart and sat next to my cam, barking every so often because he was above the cam room. Not only am I stressed at this point, I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to explain my cam room to the guy… By the time I ended the session, threw some clothes on, got Abby to stop barking and ran outside, he was driving off…

The sales guy calls and says- “hey, you missed my guy”, to which I replied with, “yeah, no one communicates with your company and no one called. I have a day full of meetings and I was on a conference call..” I mean, what else am I going to say to that. So then I got ahold of the service guy myself who said he would try to make it back today. No. That’s not good enough. A surprise visit doesn’t work for me and I can’t just sit around waiting for a maybe. I told him I had to be in town in a couple hours, so what time? So he said in about an hour..

While Abby watched in dismay, I broke down my cam room in 8 minutes. Thankfully another room is literally right next door, I tossed shit where ever it would go. The asshole rang the door bell as I was closing the door to that room. What the hell happened to the other 52 minutes? I answered the door so out of breath it sounded like I just ran a marathon and believe me, I think I did run that marathon.

He was here for 20 minutes, hit a couple buttons, said it was fixed and left. I moved everything back into the room and the internet worked great for about an hour, then it lagged again. Same fucking issue.

Today the sales guy calls to tell me they’ve moved me to the top of the list for upgrades and that will happen today, so I quickly tore the shit down, threw it into the other room and was out of breath in 8 minutes… seeing as though they don’t aren’t good with time management… and I filmed a video, cleaned the house, washed 2 loads of laundry, shredded papers and blogged…. 3 hours later he rings the door bell. Seriously, these guys are testing me. lol.

I work off of a schedule; I don’t understand how others function not having anything planned or set by a calendar. I admire those of you that are spur of the moment, living by the seat of your pants, kind of people. That is not me. I was frazzled Friday and I was a bit miffed today.

But, I’m promised this is going to be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G and because this is new equipment, it’s a new install, so at the amount of money I just spent today, it damn well better be the best fucking internet we’ve had so far.


  • Buddy

    I really hate you have had such a head ache in all of this. I just see what you put on Twitter and apparently your day has several more hours than mine. I wish you nothing but great luck out of the new equipment.

    • Angel

      Thank you! It is just part of living in a rural area, and when it works as it should, it’s decent, but when there are any issues, it’s weeks of trying to get it resolved… we’re on our 4th internet company and I really have no other options at this point.

      I do have long days, but I enjoy what I do and that makes a huge difference, I think.

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