My Blog

Reconnecting with the Past

I received a text message this morning that I was not expecting, but made my heart skip a few beats when I realized who it was. So, most of you know, I walked away from Texas in one afternoon. Walked out on a life that was harsh at times and no longer my punishment to bear. When I drove off with just an overnight bag and a new phone number, I cut ties with most people, but also lost touch with someone that was very important to me.

It was not something that either of us ever intended to happen, but her life had a lot going on in it and mine had me so consumed that before I realized it, I had no way of staying connected to her… I have sent her emails, direct messages on Twitter and just last week thought about doing a public search for her. So, when I received her message I was absolutely over the moon happy.

She filled me in on her last 5 years, and I did the same; she sent dog pictures and I sent her pictures of the cutest golden. We’ve spent a good part of the day texting back and forth.

At one time, I was willing to disconnect from everyone I once knew, but as I’ve managed to recover from that life, I have also come to appreciate the special bonds made and some people are just meant to stay in your life.

I know, this is all very sappy, but such is life, I suppose.


  • Cowboybubba

    I’m so happy you made contact with an old friend. Life will surprise you sometimes.
    We’re coming up on our 40th anniversary of graduation. Class of 1983 thank you very much. A classmate made a Facebook page for our class. I’ve been getting messages from people I haven’t seen in years. It feels so good to just pick up where we left off and talk.
    Love ya,Angel
    Miss you so much…

    • Angel

      Wow! That is awesome! I’m glad you’ve reconnected with some high school friends and hope you have fun catching up, leading up to the reunion. I assume you’ll be going???

  • Kristine

    That’s me!!! And I’m so very happy to reconnected!
    It’s funny how certain people just stick with you, even if only in your heart and mind. You were one of those for me and I promise to never lose contact again!

    Also, sorry to everyone for kinda hogging her for the day but… to be you! Hahahha

    • Angel

      Oh my gosh! You read my blog! I am so happy to have reconnected with you and now I have your phone number again, never to be lost. Thank you for sending the text this weekend, it really has been amazing to catch up with you on the last 5 years… gosh, time. It’s a crazy thing.

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