My Blog

Abby, the Mopey Golden

I have been a constant in Abby’s world, since I work from home. She does not always hang out in the cam room, but she checks on me throughout every day. Saturday I started gathering stuff to take on our trip, without pulling out any bags. Once she sees the bags, it is OVER, only this time she knew what was going on without the suitcase on the bed.

She huffed, she puffed, she sat with judgemental despair written all over her furry face. She’s been glued to me for 4 days now, and has chosen to go on a food strike. She does it from time to time, usually eating breakfast at dinner time. I used to worry about her suddenly not eating, but the food is in her bowl. If she were hungry, she would eat. MtnMan thinks this is a sign she only needs one meal a day. Thankfully she has me to override any sort of discussion on that nonsense.

Today has been, by far, the worst. She is not happy. She is sad. It really is heartbreaking. The only consolation is that she loves her aunt, and her aunt loves her almost as much as I do. She gets crazy excited when she sees her aunt, and it truly is embarrassing. She’s an uncontrollable jackass, but she’s loved and the crazy is overlooked. And then there is her cousin who is always overjoyed when Abby comes barreling through their once clean home. They play, they love and they share each others buddies. In fact, the cousin steels Abby’s Duckie all the time, and Abby doesn’t even notice but always appreciative that in turn, the cousin leaves one of her buddies in place of Duckie.

So, even though it is a somber mood in Abby’s house today, I know what is in store for her this afternoon and that makes it a little bit easier… however, she is starting to annoy the fuck out of me, Guys. Good Grief.


    • Angel

      She always knows, that’s for sure. The thing is, she’s a great truck buddy, and loves going on day trips with us, never complaining. However, overnight stays in strange places unsettles her. We took her to hotels several times as a puppy, and she still hates hotels. We took her on a 4 day trip in August and by the last day she was not talking to me… she’d talk to MtnMan all day long and even went overboard in giving him love, then glaring at me and turning her back on me… so, she stays home! lol

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