My Blog


What has been your most favorite destination, and why? I’d love to see a picture, if you care to share, or a brief history of the area. I’ll share mine:

Great Falls National Park: it’s everything and more than what any picture I had ever seen. This is a place that I have wanted to experience since I was a kid, reading history and looking at magazine pictures. There is so much history in this park, and for the most part, it’s been left to the wild. With that said, the string of traffic was disheartening, although we were in that very line of vehicles, trying to see everything we could in the 3 hours we had… It’s fascinating that glaciers created the landscape and that some glaciers still exist in this park today. Eventually, those will melt away like the rest of them have, but not as quickly as scientists once predicted. I can say this with certainty because they warned that by 2020 the remaining glaciers would be completely gone and melted, yet they still can be seen today.

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