My Blog

Abby and the Team of Horses

I must share a story with you because it’s full of too much cuteness not to. We were on a ranch, in a field with nothing but a river running through it and a team of horses grazing.

It was a beautiful day, with blue skies and a nice mountain breeze blowing through the valley. Abby had to stay in the truck for a short while so we left the windows down for her while we crossed the river on foot. We were gone for about 15 minutes and came around the bend in the river to see the truck surrounded by 24 horses, three of which are colts. Abby wasn’t freaking out, so that was a good sign, and the horses had her under close observation while Abby was taking it all in, and then one of them stuck his entire head into the truck, touching Abby’s nose. Abby let out a gruff bark, then quickly looked at me with a glare, almost as to say, “Oh my fuck, did you see that, Guys?” By the time we made it back to the truck, the herd had MtnMan and I surrounded, sniffing us out and Abby had her head out the window, with her happy tail wag, which reassured me she was just fine, but wanted the horse buddy to know he was in her space.

MtnMan opened Abby’s door and she shot out like a rocket and circled me before sliding her head between my knees to watch them from her safe place. They eventually surrounded me, sniffing Abby who stayed glued to me, but curious enough to not completely hide. Once they got a good feel for us, they went about grazing, while Abby played along the river bank. However, the her friends continued to check on her, in which case she’d slide right between my legs, hugging one leg while looking around. I wish I had my camera on me, but I didn’t. She really is too adorable for her own good.

Here are two pictures that I stole from the internet, just to give you a visual…

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