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September, I have Missed You!


I am always happy when September arrives because August is the hottest month, and if you know me at all, you know that I hate summer. HATE. That’s solid truth. I’ve never enjoyed the heat, not even when I was a kid. Unless I was playing softball, you could find me under a shade tree or in a creek. Although I’ve never liked swimming, so if I was in a creek it was because I was fishing.

September is going to be a very busy month for us. We have someone staying with us on Thursday, the 15th, through the following Tuesday. That means I will not be doing the 2 gold shows or VNA that following Monday. It is what it is. I will reschedule the VNA for probably the next Saturday, but need to look at the schedule.

The Tuesday that our guest leaves, we have a crew coming in to do some work on the house, which means I will not be on cam during the day, but will be on for the evening shows. What a mess. Two weeks where my schedule will be interrupted and out of sorts, and even though I know that ahead of time, I’m still not too happy about it. But, alas, it is what it is and it is for the best. I will adapt. You know, I can do that if I’m forced to, and it’s not like it’s a spontaneous change in my schedule, right? So yeah, I will adapt and survive. Yep.

What does your September look like?

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