My Blog

Week of Chaos

Actually, it’s going to be two weeks of chaos, but it’s fine. Everything is fine. I’m fine. You’re fine. We’re all fine. It’s fiiiine.

We have someone staying with us through Tuesday afternoon, which means my online time will be extremely limited. I won’t be online for the members hour tonight, which is a bummer, but will be on in the morning for a few hours. I must sign off no later than 430p EST. Same with Monday. Tuesday mid afternoon our house guest leaves, but the handyman arrives that morning, which means I won’t be able to cam until the evening and then it will be evenings only through Friday. So yeah, a chaotic mess. But it’s fine.

Thursday (today) – no member show

Friday – Morning-430p EST

Tuesday – 11p EST-130a EST

Thursday and Friday – 11p EST-130a EST


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