My Blog

October in the Rear View Mirror

Oh goodness, October was a cluster fuck of travel and visiting family, but what an amazing month it was!

I started the month off by visiting my family in the midwest, and it was an amazing visit. My second trip to see them this year and I plan on making a habit to visit them at least once a year. I haven’t always been close to family, but as I’ve gotten older and found happiness in life, I realize it’s time.. so, it’s up to me to make certain I stay connected and have no regrets.

I was home for 4 days, which was long enough to give Abby hugs, loves and a bath, then dropped her at her cousins so that MtnMan and I could fly to Texas for 2 weeks. We put a lot of miles on the rental car, driving from town to town to visit my people. It was good for my soul to see everyone, and to make the rounds. Although it left me exhausted at the end..

It’s good to be home and back into my routine. I will be online, without interruptions, for November and December, which I’m honestly looking forward to.

How was your October?

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