My Blog

Big Red – It Wets the Whistle

I have never been a soda pop drinker. It’s the carbonation; I don’t like it. I’ve tried Dr. Pepper, Coke, Pepsi (blech!), Sprite, 7Up, MtnDew and a few others. It doesn’t matter the flavor, I don’t like it.

However, I’ve always enjoyed a Big Red, which is available only in the Lone Star State; it’s a Texas “thing”, much like Blue Bell Ice Cream. Anyway, once I moved to Nevada Big Red was no longer an option, but it didn’t much bother me. Like I said, I’m not a soda pop finatic.

When I was in Texas last month, I was at my favorite BBQ joint and in the cooler was Big Red. I grabbed one, excited to have a treat, not realising I’d be drinking it every chance I got, before returning home. Oh my, it is delicious! Granted, it’s not for everyone, but for me, it was nostalgic and everything good!

MtnMan, of course, gave me a hard time about drinking soda pop as often as I did, but once we were back home he surprised me with a care package of Big Red!

In fact, I’m drinking one while I blog. *cheers*


  • Lee. AKA Acerr

    I spent time in Corpus Christi back in 02 (6 months). I believe I had several of those Big Red’s you mention. And they were da bomb. Rememinded me of a Soda we used to have here in Florida (and can still get at the USF University Store) JOLT Cola…their slogan…”All the sugar, and twice the Cocaine”…Oh….sorry…twice the CAFFINE..Twice the Caffine…

    • Angel

      Acerr, thank you so much for reading my blog, but also commenting. I appreciate that more than you know!

      Big Red’s do sound a lot like the JOLT Cola you mentioned – it’s such a nice treat!

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