My Blog

More Fucks Given and Thigh High Boots!

I’ve had a couple surprises sent to me, and it always makes me smile. Not just when I open the gift, but each time I use the item or wear them on cam or in videos.

First, I must send out a huge shoutout to Adam, who remains as elusive as possible. Ha! Another cup of fucks and a coffee mug from the christmas exchange. My cup collection is growing, and they all fit perfectly in line with who I am. Ha! I’m all about fucks and sometimes I’ve even got a few to give! Fuck this, fuck that, fuck off and fuck you! hahahaha. Just kidding. Sometimes. Thank you, Adam!

And, now I’d like to send out a very special thank you to Amber. With all the archived posts hitting the site, I’ve had a few requests for more thigh high boots. When I left Texas, I lost most of my cam clothes, including heels and boots. So, this is the first pair that I’ve had in many years and cannot wait to wear them for you all.

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