My Blog

The Value of True Friend’s

Earlier in the week I asked Twitter for ideas on posts. Let’s be real, I used to succeed at posting often, sometimes daily, and now it’s far and few between. I need all the help I can get, motivating my writing brain to get back to it!

I had a few suggestions, and I plan to blog about all of them, but today it’s on the value of true friend’s. People come and go, some stick, some don’t. And, it’s not always those that stick around that are a true friends.

Nope. It is not.

In 2022 we were out to dinner with friends and I had a text come in from a someone that I had lost touch with during my divorce. The reason was of no great value, truthfully, so I’ll spare you the details, but I had a lot going on as did she, so we moved in different directions unintentionally.

The week prior to receiving her text, I had considered searching for her and her husband on FB. Yes, I was going to be that person. So when I got in the car after dinner and saw that I had a text, “Hi, it is me.” I was so elated that I responded with, “OMG!! I have missed you soooo much! I know you’re sleeping because of time zones, so I’ll text you again in the morning, BFF!”…

And we immediately slipped back into a healthy routine of speaking daily. We took a couple days to catch each other up on life, and all the changes that happened in each others absence, but it’s as though we stayed connected through it all.

Now that I’ve spilled all of that to whoever it is that reads these posts, the value of a true friend is one that is there, even when absent. It is one that wants your success, and one that cheers for you and wants you to be truly happy. A true friend is someone that does not change their views of what your friendship means to them, depending on who they have befriended today. Take that however you wish to interpret it.

A true connection is a friend indeed.

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