The Antics of My Abby Girl
Abby has become a Twitter sensation and she doesn’t even realize it! From running through sprinklers during her playdates, to diving into muddy creeks and doing the backstroke in a pile of snow, the girl is loved.
She’s a mess.
She hates bath time, but loves to get be dirty and she’s just fine with her stink. She puts up with me brushing her daily, but as soon as I take her collar off she knows it’s bath time.
Bath time is her demise. Just ask her. She will usually grunt and snarl, and turn into an asshole.
Yes, she is an asshole at bath time.
As soon as she’s dry enough to be let out of the bathroom, she runs through the house, celebrating her survival, grabbing each one of her buddies to share in her excitement.
She goes where I go.
She is loved around town. When I walk into certain shops, the first question is, “is Abby in the car?”, or “I love your dog”.
At one of our usual stops, I leave both of her windows rolled down so that she can get all the pets and loves of everyone that walks by.
It is rare that I swing by a coffee shop, but I did in one of our last excursions, and she quickly sat right behind me, with her head between the door and my shoulder, and when the attendant opened the window she slid her nose out of the window, resting it on my shoulder and the door. She knew. *This is the place that has dog treats and Mom will say yes when the lady asks if I can have one.* … and she was right. It was a good day for a good day!
When she goes over to her cousins for playdates and overnights, they have learned to turn their sprinkler system off because Abby thinks that the water spraying the grass is all for her. She’ll run, jump through the sprinklers, roll in the grass and celebrate. All the while her cousin stands as far away in horror. It’s a sight to witness, really. Her cousin is a bird dog and hates to be wet, and especially hates for her paws to be dirty… Not Abby. Nope.
When we go for hikes in the springtime, the snow melt usually has the creeks flowing and the trails are a muddy mess. Abby will go out of her way to jump in every mud puddle and “accidentally” slip into a creek. She’s done it enough for us to know, it’s not an accident.
MtnMan’s truck is rarely clean. He loves me, and I love her. We ignore the hair and the mud, and I vow to do a better job of maintaining the mess we call Abby.
And, I do for a brief period until it gets out of hand again, and it always does..
She rides through town with her head out of the window, and snorts when she’s finished. She’s a talker, and I love her for it.
If she’s upset about something, such as running behind the truck, it is me that she is mad at for the rest of the day.
(For those of you that imagine her behind the truck, running in traffic, you’re wrong. Nevada is vast and mostly public, giving us hundreds of miles of dirt roads to explore and hike. It is rare that we ever see another vehicle. It is her playscape and running keeps her in shape. )
She was once mad at me for a 4 hour trip home. It was precious, amusing and a little disheartening that she was able to stay mad at me for so long, but she did. It was a long road home. She’d grumble in the back seat, then give MtnMan hugs and loves, while giving me the side eye glare. When I’d talk to her, she’d look away from me… it was rough. lol.
But, she is my girl. She goes where I go. She is family.
She was too small, so MtnMan set a cooler in the back for her. She’s growing.. And now she can fully enjoy her window! First day home and she’s already a dirty mess. She found her first (of many) muddy creeks. That is the face of a very happy girl! Proof of her diving headfirst, into a muddy creek. “Yes, I know you said don’t jump. Please don’t take my picture” lol. Diving into a cold, spring fed reservoir. Running off of the boat ramp, jumping into a muddy marsh. A favorite hiding place, before she got too big.. Realizing she is now too big.. At her cousins, after running through sprinklers. Her aunt would not let her inside. LOL Where I go, She goes. Family. After a bath. Still an asshole.
I’d love to purchase a pair of worn socks for you.
Lete know how I could proceed
Thank you,
Hi Jay!
Email me at and we can discuss your options. 🙂