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This is a sale that I have never offered before, and I might not again.

However, with everything going on in the world, and inflation hitting all industries and markets, I feel that it’s time to give even more than what I already have in my 17 year history of being online.    

For the entire month, there will be daily uploads; that’s 30 days of content being added to the site. Friday will be new releases, while all other days will be archives.    

In September of 2021, I chose to step away from a network based platform and become independent. In doing so, I had to start over, building a site that would be easy to navigate, while also keeping it fresh. When the new site went live, I had 2 years of content uploaded, with archives being added 3 times a week. This turned out to be a great strategy because a lot of the old content became buried and forgotten. Now, it’s front and center, refreshing memories and giving a perspective of time. This month marks my 17th year in this industry. It’s crazy to think about, but this online world is something I never imagined and I will forever be grateful to those of you that continue to support this avenue. 

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