My Blog

Checking In

It’s been awhile since I’ve checked in. Truthfully, it’s been too long. I am on Twitter almost daily, update my site several times a week, but this blog tends to be left in the abyss of empty space any more.

This thread is to check in with you; to see how you’re doing and to get your weather report.

I’ll go first, just so it doesn’t seem one-sided. Ha!

I’m doing well, and truly cannot complain. I’ve been busy, but it’s a good kind of busy.

The weather is finally above freezing and we’re starting to see spring-like days. It’s still cold at night, but we’ve gone from 30 straight to 50 and the snow is starting to melt. Abby’s yard, however, is still under several feet of snow.

I expect to see our bushes soon, and towards the end of May I hope to have some new plants in the ground. That is, if we don’t get more snow, which from what I hear is always possible for this area. In fact, it’s happened well into July before, so you know, I think I’ll wait another month before I chance planting anything new.

Okay, now it’s your turn.


  • Dale

    Good morning beautifu, spring is begining to show up, the Dogwood trees are staring to bloom , dandelions are popping up in the yard.Looks like the rain is gone for a few days anay way.Supposed to be in the 70s today.

    • Angel

      I love spring! It’s beautiful to see the world come back to life and before you know it, the trees will be in full bloom and beautiful.

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