My Blog

Another VNA Win!

I am terrible at posting our wins, and I’ll be the first to admit that. It’s been months since I’ve shared the news here, but you guys keep me in the top three more than not.

It does not go unnoticed that without you, I would not place in the top as often as I do. Seriously, I appreciate every one of you that has made it your mission to vote.

There are far too many to list, so let me just acknowledge you as a whole:

To those that show up, without fail, thank you. You guys choose to spend an hour of your Monday night with me, and I am so thankful that you do.

To those that make it when you can, thank you. Busy schedules, chaotic lives and late nights make it difficult, and I do realize that. When you do make it, it’s a nice surprise.

To those that sign in from two different IP’s, giving me 2 countable votes, thank you! The extra effort means more to me than you might know.

To those that stop in ONLY to vote. WOW! That is incredible, especially because I know that you’re in a different time zone, waking up just to vote, or hurriedly rushing off to your night shift.

And, to those that set an alarm to wake up in the middle of your sleep, to spend the hour with me, and to vote. Gosh. It amazes me the sacrifices you all make.

Seriously, thank you.

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