My Blog

My Anti-Bucket List

It seems popular to have a bucket list. Do you have one? I don’t. I figure that if I get around to it, then I’ll do it, but I don’t much care for creating a list of hopes.

Not that I feel there is anything wrong with that. It’s just never been something that I thought I needed a list for. And, that is shocking. I love lists! But yeah, I don’t have a bucket list.

While I’ve been trying to think of something clever to blog about, I thought maybe an anti-bucket list would be more fun, so here it is.

Airplane Jumping: NOPE. I admire those that have the urge to jump from the sky, however, I would have a heart attack just working myself up to the jump.

Bungee Cord Jumping: This is a lot like jumping from an airplane, but different. There’s not as much distance, and you’ve got less time to realize you could smack your face if the cord breaks or is too long. If it isn’t too long, then you’re a yoyo for a few minutes and that can’t be good for the joints.

Running: a lap, a marathon, a race. It doesn’t matter. If you see me running, you should run because there is something chasing me and it will soon be chasing you, too! Ha. I am not a runner.

Swimming the Polar Plunge: I don’t swim. Plus, dipping my body into an icy cold bath does not appeal to me, especially when it’s winter. I’d go into shock and surely drown since I’m not a good swimmer to begin with. In fact, I doggy paddle more than anything and that gets exhausting.

Sailing the Pacific: It would make for beautiful sunrises and the sunsets would be breathtaking, however, back to the “I don’t swim”. I’m not joking here. If the sailboat sank, I’d be shark meat, after I drowned. So NOPE.

Having a Pet Snake: the thought gives me the heebie jeebies. I have gotten better at seeing pictures of them, but to see them in person causes me to go into full on freak out mode, and it’s not good for anyone around me. Abby freaks out with me. Solidarity. I love her for it. MtnMan looks at me like I’m an idiot and then tells me that I’m going to get bit if I don’t settle it down. He’s not wrong. Abby’s on my side. That’s all I need when it comes to snakes and my sudden freak out “episode”

Hugging a Clown: Yes, you read that correctly. I will never hug a clown. EVER. They are creepy, should be illegal and they hide in storm drains with red balloons.

One Comment

  • Molly Amber

    I have to agree with you. When I was young I thought I wiuld like to try sky diving. But i found out years ago the my body has more sicne than my brain, It was a a party I took Beth to at one of those play houses. There was a rock clibming wall. I watched a few people try it and not get to the top.As I watch I study how the went up and learned a good path to take. So I gave it a try. They hooked the rope on and I went up remmebering wear there was good hand holds, Made it to the top perry fast, Rang the bell, and heard the cheers, The couch then told me to let go of the wall and the rope would bering me down slowly. I told myself Let go of the rope. then I heard my hands say to my,”NO that’s not going to happen.” I tried pushing off. once agian my hands said. I don;t think so. So I tried reaching for the bell ringing rope. grabed it with one hand. the other hand let go the wall, bit it wouldn’t let go the rope. so I hanging there with 5 people down below yelling Just Let go, finely my hand sliped off the rope and I glided to the floor. It was then I reallized that if I ever tried sky diving My hand would grab onto the door of the plane, Then tell my “You can go, We’re staying right here in the plane buddy. Holding on tight,

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