My Blog

I am a Derp

I had to look that word up, just to make sure I was using it in the correct context. I am. Allow me to elaborate on that- I am a derp AND I am using it in the correct context.

Also, allow me to explain that.

About 3 weeks ago I received two packages and flowers for my birthday, all of which were thoughtful and made me smile. I typed up a blog post to say my “thank you” and didn’t hit the publish button.

I have been wondering why no one commented or mentioned it, but then again, sometimes the posts go unnoticed. Here I am, with a few hours of idle time, a rarity for me, and I’ve decided to do some site work, starting with my blog.

This thread post is still sitting in the drafts. Gah! I. Am. A. Derp.


Please read the following, which should have been posted 2 weeks ago. Yes, weeks ago!

Ladies first, so I must say thank you to Kristine, Swamp Dawg and their four-legged crew. The flowers were a big surprise and totally made my day! They arrived on Saturday, while I was buried into editing new content and cataloging more archives.

Abby growled, the doorbell rang and Abby let out her meanest, most ferocious bark. I about fell out of my chair and then wondered who the fuck was ringing my doorbell. LOL. It was a flower delivery. The best reason to ring that bell!

Red, I wasn’t sure if you’d want me to highlight your gift in a blog post, but realized it’s not up to you since it’s my blog. Ha! Thank you for the four Benjamin’s you sent, despite no longer being able to meet for lunch on my birthday, now that I’m not longer in Texas… I really do appreciate you!

Next, please allow me to send out a huge thank you to Ridgie who sent a box of socks and panties. Yes, a BOX of SOCKS! They are argyles and colors that I don’t already have. I’m not even sure how that’s possible, but I’ve got room for more socks and I will be happy to wear them all very soon. In fact, I’ve already worn one pair, along with a pair of the Jessica Simpson panties that are lacy and everything sexy!

And, now to send out a huge thank you to Stephen for the beautiful robe that is in one of my favorite colors. Believe it, or not, I have a couple pairs of socks that will match the robe and it’s going to make for a sexy ensemble for a video and will most likely be worn on cam, as well.

I say this often, but I cannot say it enough, I appreciate you all for the thoughtfulness and generosity that you continue to show me.

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