My Blog

My “Workout” Routine

You might be wondering why I’ve used quotations around workout, and I’ll get to that, but first let me just say, working out has never been in my routine.

I played softball in school and was on the traveling all-stars, and went to state. Even then, working out was not in my routine.

To workout was the same as being punished, so as an adult, I have forever chosen not to punish myself.

Until recently. I’ve noticed that I’m losing muscle mass and feeling stiffer in the mornings. Hell, I am stiff even after hours spent on cam each day.

My “Workout” Journey:

Six months ago: I decided I should try resistance bands. I asked MtnMan to order a set for me.

Three months ago: I unpackaged the resistance bands that MtnMan ordered. I looked them over; they are giant rubber Bands.

Two months ago: I bought a yoga mat.

Six weeks ago: I made a plan to start a “workout” routine. That’s as far as that went.

Two weeks ago: I found stretching and resistance band charts, and printed them out, where they sat untouched for awhile.

Three days ago: On my lunch break I did my first workout. I stretched, not skipping any of them, even though a few were redundant, and a couple made my left hip burn.

Two days ago: I started my day working out. My butt muscles hurt.

In Conclusion:

It’s not so bad, however, I am not even a “LEVEL 1” because I can only get through 1 set, and not three. That will come with repetition, I have no doubt, and eventually my butt muscles will stop hurting.

I have always heard that workouts are like drugs, it gives you a high with your endorphins (or whatever), but so far I am lacking that natural drug because I am not having fun.

With that said, I am looking forward to seeing results by tomorrow. Ha! In all seriousness, hopefully in four weeks. I think that’s a good goal, and that might keep me on track to maintaining a solid schedule. I am, afterall, a routine oriented person.

Here’s hoping I am still doing this in 12 months. Care to make a wager against me?


    • Angel

      You are active with martial arts, why do you feel like you have to do more?

      Eventually, I’ll add more to the resistance band routine, but for now I feel that’s a good start. I also plan to travel with them, since they’re just big rubber bands. lol.

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