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VNALive “News”

UPDATE:  “A Texas court granted on Thursday a preliminary injunction to Free Speech Coalition (FSC) and its co-plaintiffs, blocking the Texas Attorney General from enforcing the state’s controversial anti-porn age verification law while the case is litigated.” (reference:

I am sure you’ve been hearing about the new “anti-porn” laws that are going into effect in certain states, which is forcing the online world to jump thru even more than we already do.

Starting in September, Texas is joining Utah and Louisiana in blocking all porn sites, unless you verify your identity. Obviously, with VNALive you have never been required to do so, because you can be a member of many sites that have allowed access to their network.

What this means is, in order for you to view VNALive starting September 1st, you will need to use a VPN Service.

There are free VPN’s, such as Proton VPN. I pay for a VPN service for but have no experience with any of the free services that are out there.

I do not expect you to join or even pay for this service, I am just passing the unfortunate news on to all of my Texas based people. This also applies to other states that are now banning porn viewership. Montana will join that list at the start of the new year.

As frustrating as it is, the blame is not on VNALive or any adult minded services you access online. We have to stay in compliance with the new laws and regulations, or else they will cancel our industry all together.


  • Detroit314

    But for now at least the Texas law has been put on hold by a federal judge during the litigation of the suits filed agaisnt the new law.

    A temporary win for the adult industry.

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