My Blog

Time Offline

I will be taking off Labor Day, with MtnMan. It’s not often that we have 2 days off in a row, so when we do it’s pretty amazing. We plan to get Abby out of the house and let her have a day for her. She cannot go swimming, but maybe we can let her do some bird hunting, if she feels up to it. We are going to let her decide.

I will be online for the weekly VNALive show Monday night at 11p EST, and I do hope to see you all there.

Tuesday will be the ONLY day that I am on because Wednesday morning I fly out to spend 6 days with my brother and his family, returning very late Tuesday night.

That also means that I have cancelled the VNALive hour for the 11th, because I won’t be in a place where I can host a member’s show.

I will be back on cam Thursday, September 14th and will be ready to reconnect with everyone.


  • Detroit314

    So happy to hear your getting some time off. You need to recharge your batteries(in more way then one) and spending time with family is a good way.

    Hope Abby has a blast being outdoors with you two and enjoys herself.

    Enjoy your time this weekend with MtnMan and next week with your family.

    At least we will get to see you this Monday night.

    • Angel

      I always miss our daily visits when I’m gone. I have never taken so much time off as I have in the last couple years, but with my brothers kids having kids and family starting to become more important as I get older, it seems I’m always visiting them. lol.

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