My Blog

An Abby Update

She had her third round of chemo on Thursday. I dropped her off at 830 and picked her up at 5; she was relieved to see me walk into her treatment room.

Her white blood cells and platelets were extremely low 3 weeks ago, however, her numbers have improved and she’s back in range.

With her numbers where they need to be, the doctor was able to give her the full dosage of 80mg’s of chemo and we can now reduce her prednisone to every other day, instead of daily.

Her breathing has improved even more than the last checkup and he’s extremely happy with her progress.

She lost 7 pounds in her first 3 weeks and gained 1 pound back in the last three. We increased her food from 2 cups a day to 3 and now we’re going to give her another cup in hopes that she gains the weight back and to help curb her ferocious appetite caused by the prednisone. This is all good news to her.


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