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The Mysterious Case of the Goo Goo Cluster Candy

Hey there, fellow candy enthusiasts! Today, I want to talk about a sweet treat that has piqued my interest, after Kristine sent me a picture filled with yummy goodness. Because, if we’re being honest, something as simple as a text will get me googling down a rabbit hole.

I’m referring to the infamous Goo Goo Cluster Candy. Have you tried it?

For those who are unfamiliar, the Goo Goo Cluster is a candy bar that originated in Nashville, Tennessee, back in 1912. It’s a cluster of peanuts, marshmallows, and caramel, all covered in milk chocolate. Sounds like a match made in heaven, right?

Wait, 1912? Let’s pause this post to delve into the history for a bit, because we all know I love history. History of any kind, it all fascinates me!

The origin story of the Goo Goo Cluster is as rich and complex as its flavor. Legend has it that back in 1912, the Standard Candy Company’s Mr. Howell Campbell and Mr. Porter Moore were on a quest to create the world’s first ever combination candy bar. After much experimentation (and probably a few sugar highs), the Goo Goo Cluster was born. Its name? Well, it’s said to represent the first words of Mr. Campbell’s baby, who was apparently wise beyond his years, recognizing the candy’s potential to make grown adults go “goo-goo” over its scrumptious taste. (Ha! I made a corny joke, kind of.)

The Goo Goo Cluster has gained a cult following over the years, with fans raving about its unique combination of textures and flavors. Some claim it’s the perfect snack to satisfy their sweet tooth, while others argue it’s a candy bar like no other.

So, what’s the big deal about the Goo Goo Cluster? Is it the way the peanuts provide a satisfying crunch, or the way the marshmallows add a fluffy, airy texture? Or perhaps it’s the caramel that brings everything together, binding the flavors in perfect harmony?

As I delved deeper into the world of Goo Goo Cluster enthusiasts, I discovered that this candy bar has a special place in many people’s hearts. Some have fond memories of eating it as kids, while others have made it a staple in their candy stash.

Now, I must confess, I’m intrigued. I want to know what all the fuss is about. Have you tried the Goo Goo Cluster Candy? What’s your take on this sweet treat?

As for me, I admit that I’ve never tried it (gasp!). But, after researching and drooling over pictures of this deliciousness, I’m convinced that I need to get my hands on one ASAP.

So, if you’re a Goo Goo Cluster fan, share your experiences with me! What do you love about it? And if you’re like me, a Goo Goo Cluster newbie, let’s embark on this sweet adventure together!

Stay sweet, and happy snacking!


  • wolfjb1

    Yep, had these as a kid. They are better chilled, otherwise the chocolate gets all over your fingers and face and the marshmallow gets all gooey and sticky. Enjoyed them.

    • Angel

      Thank you for commenting!

      I’ll have to remember that because I HATE sticky. I can’t decide if I should order online or just wait until I go to Florida in February. lol

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