Working Out. So. Much. Fun.
Exercise: Get Those Endorphins Going!
Beginning your day with some form of exercise can be a game-changer. It doesn’t have to be an hour-long workout, but even a short 10-15 minute session can make a significant difference.
I am going to be honest, I have never enjoyed working out. I HATE IT. I understand that some of you love it and the endorphins are your drug, or whatever. I don’t fucking get it, but that’s fine. It’s not for me to understand.
I am currently doing a 15 minute workout, 5 days a week. Some people have laughed at me. YES. Laughed at me! But, 15 minutes is better than none, and I don’t fucking have the time for more than that. I know, what the fuck do I do on this side of the computer? This line of work I’ve chosen is “so easy”. Insert the *eye roll*. Ha!
I use an app to keep me on point because I was trying to do it on my own and I epically failed. I would do resistance bands for a week straight, then I would get busy and not think about them for 2 months.. The app has been good. It’s simple. I can move it from 5 minutes – 20 minutes, but it has several sections so I can do more than one section, to extend my workout.
I’m doing two sections right now – Core and Abs and Legs and Glutes.
Anyway, working out, as much as I hate it, even for as little as 15 minutes per day, has actually made me feel better. I feel more energized, but also it’s loosened up my lower back and hips that have been hurting for awhile now.
So. That’s good. I guess. lol.
What is your workout regimine? I want to hear from you, even if it’s lifting your beer a few times a week. I don’t care, let me have it.

Well, since you asked… lol
Mondays: Legs Day – squats, deadlifts
Tuesday: Chest and Triceps – dumbbell incline bench press, pec fly, tricep overhead extension
Wednesday: Back and biceps – Pullups, seated cable row, straight arm lat pulldown, hammer curls, dumbbell incline curls
Thursday: Legs Day 2 – squats, deadlifts (but heavier), seated leg curls, horizontal leg press
Friday: arms and shoulder – superset tricep push down and cable curls, lateral raises, rear delt flys
Saturday: soccer – 1 to 3 games
Average time is 30-45 minutes, but I get 6-8 sets of almost everything, rep range is 10-30 for most exercises.
Nothing like a solid kick your a$$ workout to wake you up and get you ready for your day though, right!
And 15-20 minutes is plenty to get you going, so keep at it! Good for you for keeping it up!!
Ha! This post was definitely right up your alley. You definitely live for the workout, and that works for you. You only take off on Sunday’s, whereas I take Wednesday and Sunday off. It works for me though, and I’m happy that I’ve finally found something to keep me on track, instead of doing a week or two, then skipping 2 months. lol
I dont work out, I probably should start doing some kind of exercise but nah! By the way your glutes are fantastic.
Thanks. lol.
I’ve always been against working out, but my lower back and hip has been hurting more than not, and I decided it might not hurt to start doing something..