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Spam Calls

We all get them. Most of us ignore them. When I changed numbers in 2017, my daily spam calls stopped, and it was awesome! Gone were the multiple calls at random times, morning, noon and night. When I am asked by a business for my phone number at checkout, I decline. I am sorry, but I just want to buy this pair of socks, you don’t need my number. And, that attitude has protected me from the annoying spammers. That is until several months ago. I have two callers that call daily, at different times. Today I answered.

The first was a lady that was speaking so fast I only caught “I am calling from an internet car insurance service”. I said in an annoyed tone, “NOT interested. Take me off of your call list.” and, she was still speed talking until I said, “yeah, not interested, take me off of your list.” She, no doubt, gets rude responses daily, but I am sorry, that is one job I do not respect. It is intrusive, annoying and they continue to call until you answer. This has been going on for months, and on a daily basis. There is a fucking reason I have not answered. I would have blocked the number but it changes the last 2 digits each call, so their fucking sales people can continue to call. At any rate, she was just as snippy with me, telling me my number will be removed and then hung up on me. If they call back I am going to be fucking irate with whomever is calling. I know jobs can be difficult to come by, and believe me, I have been there but that, in no way earns my respect. Stop calling if the number does not pick up after 3 tries.

The second caller was about 5 minutes later and from an Austin area, but that number also changes. He left me a message a few months back, but he was too hard to understand. All I could hear was he is looking for a Mary someone. Today when he called I answered. It took awhile for the call to connect, which tells me it is most likely a spammer, and then he informed me I was being recorded. I interrupted him to tell him to get to it. He said he was looking for a Mary Savalla and blah blah.. yeah, you have the wrong number, please take it off your call list. Do you know her? Nope. Take me off of your call list. Okay, sorry for bothering you, please allow 2 days for it to be removed…. so yeah, not an important caller.

I seriously think that regulations need to be placed on businesses selling phone numbers, but also on those spammers and the rights of us as consumers. It has gotten out of hand. There is no reason my phone rings at random times, all from similar, but different numbers. I think Sunday might be the only day they take off from harassing people, all in hopes of selling fake car insurance or a vacuum that has been resold several times.

When I finally answer after months of letting it go to voicemail, it is never going to be good. They are lucky I was still waking up or else I’d have probably given them an ear full. lol. Fucking wankers.

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