My Blog

VNA Rescheduled Show(s)

I am home and getting settled back into my routine already. Laundry almost finished, suitcases put away and most of my cam stuff is, well, scattered in my cam room. But, with the door closed I have a blind sense that all of that is done enough for tonight. lol.

It seems that everything comes to a head all at once, and the next two weeks has nothing to do with the chaos of the last week. Well, chaos is not exactly the right word to use because DFW was anything but chaotic. It was, however, exhausting! I tell you what, this two hour time change from west to east is so different than what I am used to experiencing when jumping time zones. Holy fuck. I was exhausted every day by 1p and so spent I was a zombie the few times I signed into my cam room.

At any rate, on with the reason for this post. Next Monday I will be out of town until Tuesday and unable to do the VNA show. I have rescheduled it for that Wednesday. And, unrelated to next week, the following week I will also be out of town and unable to connect to VNA on Monday, so that one will also be pushed to Wednesday.

The changes are as follows:

Wednesday, Feb 27th at 11p EST (this replaces Feb 25th)

Wednesday, March 6th at 10p EST (this replaces March 4th)

And, as usual, I will tweet and remind you on my blog on the day of… sorry for the change in our schedules, but it really cannot be helped.

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