My Blog

Windy Weather and a Storm

I woke up to the wind breaking up against the house and what a great sound it is. I love the sound of a storm blowing in, whether it’s the Texas thunderstorms I experienced in the hill country, or the snow storms rolling into the valley off of the mountains of Nevada. It’s all beautiful to me. I find Mother Nature to be a fascinating beast. As much as I miss the Texas thunderstorms, I love the snow storms I experience here. Granted, it’s just a lot of noise right now, with gloomy skies and cold winds, but the snow is coming and it’s something I look forward to. And, just to add even more positive energy, Abby can stay outside for as long as she wants, unsupervised! The ground is frozen and her dirt pile is no longer a dusty mess for her to roll around in and that does truely make me happy.

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