My Blog

Can We Just Scrabble?

A few weeks ago Dwwindsor mentioned he and the house boss were playing some afternoon games of Scrabble; it’s a game I have never played. The more we discussed it, the more intrigued I was and found a Scrabble app to download to my phone. The first few days I was obsessed, while I quickly learned to not just throw tiles down, but to be more strategic in how they are placed on the board. A long word is not necessarily the best play, nor is holding on to the letter “Q” or “Z” because I can almost spell an awesome word, but not quite yet. That shit will get you in trouble in the end. Also, sometimes a 2 letter word adds more points than an 8 letter obscure word; it’s all in the placement.

I only allow myself to play against another player once a day, and to play against the app for extra points. What those extra points do is beyond me, but I get points and can play when it’s best for me. When I play against another player it’s in the now.

Now that I’ve given you a back history on how I ended up on this path of scrabble, let me share the reason for this post.

Sunday I opted to pick up a game against another player, only he was not there to play but I did not know that until I accepted the challenge. When he finally joined the game, it was Monday and I was working. I played my turn during my dinner break, only he was not there to play his turn. Now we are into Tuesday morning and I see that he has sent me a chat. *eye roll*

Hi, how are you?

I’m doing great, thank you. You?

Great, what do you do for living?

*eye roll*

I work.

He plays his turn, I play mine… then he’s gone for a bit.

What do you do for work?

Build websites

Oh. Sites? Like many websites?

Okay, yeah sure.

Where do you live.


I live in North Carolina

Um, okay. Cool.

Do you live alone?

*what the actual fuck*


Who lives with you, your wife?

My husband and our mean, vicious attack dog.

Oh. I would like a site built for my business. I am in binary trading. Do you binary trade? You could make $2k a week investing just $500. How much for you to build me a site?

Can we just scrabble?

So now he’s not playing his turn but I don’t know if it’s because I hurt his feelings or because he’s not there and he’ll play again tomorrow. I am definitely muting my chat so no one can ever chat with me in the future, and I won’t accept his challenge in the future. I would say I hate to be anti-social but really that’s not true. I chat with enough people through the day, although he is not aware of that, but if I wanted conversation I would not be on a fucking Scrabble app. Also, I realize that he might be lonely, and I get that, and I also acknowledge that I should be friendlier and more accepting because I don’t know his story, but Scrabble is my escape, not my social hour. He needs to get himself a dog and give him/her lots of hugs and loves and stop talking. Again, can we just scrabble?

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