My Blog

Hoarding Birthday’s and Celebrating Anniversaries.

April marks 15 years for me online and in keeping with this month of appreciation, I feel it would be an oversite to not acknowledge all of the birthday’s that I have hoarded over the years. Each one deserving of recognition and high praise, for no other reason than each person should be celebrated during their day; and, I take that very seriously!

There are those that were exploited with an annual birthday party, and the one that doesn’t like to acknowledge that he, too, has an anniversary of his birth, but reluctantly chose to give me his day, and then there are those that could care less that I have taken it upon myself to celebrate and those that like to be acknowledged in some way or another… they’re all days that deserve celebration!

Let’s not skip over the person that is only a part of the group by way of her significant other, who so generously gave me her day a couple of years ago. It is one that I accidentally missed on year two, but will never ever forget again, EVER. I am not sure how I got so lucky as to be able to celebrate her day, but I’m thankful all the same. It’s pretty damn amazing.

And, there are those that mentioned in passing that “today” was their birthday, and I quickly added their anniversary to my trusty calendar to be remembered annually, because it is an event.

I appreciate each one of you, regardless of your opinions on your day.

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